Lovecity Help Center 
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Site Usage Help Center!

How do I pick up my messages?

You can check your messages on any Lovecity site.  Simply click on any CHECK MAIL link you see on the menu bar.   The menu bar looks something like this:

Home | Help Center | Join | Photos | Check Mail | Search | Edit Ad

Once you have clicked on any Check Mail link, you will be given a form for you to log in.  Simply enter your member number and password to login to the mail area.  The messages program will tell you if you have any messages.  Simply follow the directions in the mail area.  You will be able to RESPOND to messages if you wish.  You can also delete any old messages you have.  Messages are automatically removed from the database after 2 weeks.

If your email address we have on file is correct, you will receive automatic notification that someone has sent you a message.  Yet, you can check your mail anytime you wish on any Lovecity site by simply clicking on the CHECK MAIL link.

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